Welcome to worship at Messiah, we are so glad you are joining us online or on-site.
Sunday Worship, 10:00 am, est. on-site and online
You are welcome to join us for worship every Sunday! We worship in the Sanctuary, on Zoom, and also on YouTube. We are excited to offer a variety of ways to worship and hope you find them meaningful.

Worship Outline
- Confession and Forgiveness: this is an opportunity to confess our sins before God and one another while hearing the assurance that God forgives all our sins
- Hymn of the day
- Kyrie and/or Hymn of Praise: musical offering for God’s presence to be with us in worship
- Greeting and Prayer of the Day
- Readings: our readings come from both the Old Testament and New Testament
- Children’s Sermon & Sermon: all are invited and welcome to participate in hearing the message
- Hymn of the Day
- Apostles Creed: an expression of faith and what we believe
- Prayers of Intercession: an opportunity to pray for the church, the world, and all who are in need
- Peace
- Offering with Offertory & Prayer: we give to God what God gave us first – our time, talents, and treasurers. Offerings can be given at church, online through Tithely, or mailed to the church
- Holy Communion: Dialogue, Holy Holy Holy, Thanksgiving at the Table, Lord’s Prayer, and a communion song
- The service concludes with blessings, prayers, and a sending hymn
Holy Communion
All are welcome to join for Holy Communion whether you are worshipping on-site or online. For those worshipping on-site, we use prepackaged communion elements with grape juice and a wafer. You may either take the elements when you arrive at church and commune from your seat, or you can come forward and receive the elements at the altar rail.
For those worshipping online, you are welcome to use whatever bread/crackers and wine/juice that you have at home. We believe Christ is fully present in the meal and trust you will experience that too, no matter where or how you might be worshipping.
- We believe Christ’s table is open to all: those who feel the call to receive Holy Communion are welcome to partake in the Holy Meal. We do not draw lines around who is welcome at God’s table – you, whoever you are, whatever your age, wherever you are on your faith journey, you are welcome at God’s table.
- If you would prefer to participate in a First Holy Communion Class before partaking in the Holy Meal, you may talk to the Pastor, but please know this is not a requirement for receiving Holy Communion.

Worship Takes A Team
It takes a whole team to make worship happen each week. If you’re interested in helping in any of the following ways, please let the office know:
- Greeters: These volunteers stand closest to the outside door of the building to greet those coming into the building
- Ushers: This person stands next to the sanctuary to help those entering for worship get what they need, typically the bulletin and prepackaged communion elements. They also direct people to come to the altar rail during communion.
- Readers/Assisting Minister: Each Sunday this person is responsible for reading the First Lesson, Psalm, Second Lesson, Prayers of Intercession, and Prayer After Communion
- Video Tech: This volunteer helps work the cameras for the online worship experience
- Counters: These volunteers help to count the offering each week after church
- Altar Guild: These volunteers help to ensure the worship space is ready for Holy Communion each week and they change the paraments (the colorful cloth decorating the sanctuary) with each church season.
- Flower Guild: These volunteers coordinate getting flowers for worship each week
- Coffee Hour: Those hosting coffee hour provide the opportunity to gather after worship for coffee and snacks

Messiah Singers
Our Messiah Singers practice on Sunday mornings before worship at 9:00 am. They are a come-as-you-are group looking to sing to the Lord. The Messiah Singers provide a musical offering in worship every few months as people are available. If you’re interested in learning more or joining, contact the office or stop by early on Sunday morning for practice.
Messiah Band
Our band provides worship music on the fourth Sunday of the month. The band members, Bob Luderer (piano) Nick DeRoda (guitar), Jerri Angermueller (piano), Klaus Angermueller (guitar), Nancy Krause (voice), Steve Krause (bass), Sue Boyce (voice), and Chris Kania (drums) gather to practice weekly. If you’re interested in joining the band, please contact the office!

Other opportunities for worship in 2025
During the year we have a variety of other worship services outside of Sunday morning. We hope you’ll join us for:
- Ash Wednesday: March 5th, Ashes to Go from 4-6 pm in Messiah Parking Lot, Worship at 7:30 pm on-site and online
- Holy Week: Maundy Thursday and Good Friday at 7:30 pm, on-site and online
- Blessing of the Animals: October 5th at 1:00 pm, on-site
- Christmas Eve: December 24th at 7:30 pm