Thursday Noontime Bible Study
Join us either onsite or on Zoom for our Thursday Bible Study at 12:00 pm, et. We are using the book A is for Alabaster to guide our discussion. Books are available at church for you to take.
Sunday School
Children are invited to join us for Sunday School during our 10:00 am worship service. The class meets during worship after the children’s sermon. If you are interested to know more, please contact the church office and we will get you connected with our teachers!

Confirmation Class
Confirmation is available when there are students (age 13-16) who are interested in deepening their faith. If you have questions or want to get involved, talk to Pastor Courtney.
Baptism Milestone Ministry
In 2024 Pastor kicked off a Baptism Milestone Ministry program to encourage faith formation at home and continued recognition of the anniversary of our baptisms. Look for information coming to your mailbox soon!
If you would like to be involved with this project, please talk to Pastor Courtney.

Holy Land Trip: On Hold
As war continues to rage in the Holy Land, we pray for peace and justice for the Palestinian people. When it is safe to do so, we will work on planning a trip to visit this holy place and learn from its amazing people.
If you are curious to read about Pastor’s 2023 trip, click the link below to be connected to her blog.