What’s Going on at Messiah?

Welcome to Messiah Lutheran Church!

Sunday Worship

Worship begins at 10:00 am et. on-site, live on Zoom and YouTube. The worship recording is available on YouTube at any time. All are welcome to participate in Holy Communion using whatever bread, wine, crackers, or grape juice you have at home. We hope you will join us in whatever way is comfortable and meaningful.

Mid-Week Lenten Worship

Join us on Wednesdays at 7:30 pm for Worship on Zoom. We will gather for worship and reflection guided by the practice of Visio Divina. Join us live on Zoom or watch the recording on YouTube. Everything you need for worship will be visible on the screen for you!

2025 Congregation Star Word!

Join us this year as we use the Star Word(s): Justice to guide our God Moments and Prayer practices.

Be sure to check out our bi-monthly newsletter for a reflection on difference forms of justice and the ways you can get involved.

How We Worship at Messiah

At Messiah we invite you to worship in a way that is comfortable to you. Stand if you want to stand, sit if you want to sit, get up and dance around, color your way through the service, or even join us online during a morning walk – worship is yours to make meaningful.

We offer worship on-site, live on Zoom/YouTube, and recorded on YouTube. We offer a variety of ways to participate in Holy Communion using either prepackaged elements or by communing at the altar rail with a wafer and wine or grape juice.

If you are not feeling well or were exposed to COVID-19, we invite you to worship with us online or by wearing a mask during worship. Wearing a mask continues to be a sign of love and care for our siblings in Christ as we work to protect one another from the pandemic as well as other viruses and infections.

For those wishing to partake in Holy Communion while worshipping at home, you may use any bread/crackers/wine/juice you have at home. If you would like prepackaged communion elements, please contact the church office and we would be happy to drop them off. If you have questions or need further instruction, please let us know.